
Quality First Free Software

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LIXA is a free and open source implementation of standard XA and TX specifications; furthermore LIXA ships XTA, XA Transaction API, a new transactional API for applications.


Here is the last version of the LIXA manual as an HTML document:


XTA API Reference is available for the following programming languages:

  • C
  • C++, it’s useful even for Python
  • Java

For the API provided by the TX Transaction Demarcation specification refer to the official Technical Standard; LIXA support the TX standard for both C and COBOL programming languages.


Main hosting site is GitHub, alternative hosting site is SourceForge.

Docker Images

Docker images are available in Docker Hub: here you can find ready to use and base images to develop XTA applications that run in Docker containers.


Are you scared about performances of Distributed Transactions? LIXA might surprise you! If you are interested in the topic, don’t miss this section with the results that have been obtained with a colocated/sidecar architecture.


Are you curious about LIXA history? Here it is!


LIXA articles:

A selection of interesting articles related to distributed transactions & microservices.

If you think LiXA provides value to you, please donate to the project using this D9DWqtEFrMV1b55af4Pai7GbcDhxj43gtS Dogecoin address: useless to say, even free software development and maintenance generates costs. Thanks for your support!

Old site

Legacy home page contains old contents.