Chapter 8. Developing Application Programs using XTA (XA Transaction API) interface

This chapter explains what XTA is and how it can be used to develop applications that require to perform two phase commit ACID transactions.


Why XTA?

XTA is a modern Application Programming Interface that has been specifically designed to enable two phase commit ACID transactions for polyglot microservice oriented applications.

Some interfaces, like TX Transaction Demarcation Specification [41], are today relegated to legacy applications and legacy use cases.

Other interfaces, like JTA Java Transaction API [42], are specific to a single language and/or a single runtime environment (Java/JRE).

Two Phase Commit: reloaded

XTA aims to provide TXaaS (Transaction as a Service) backend services that can be used by cloud native applications that, for one reason or another, require two phase commit ACID transactions among distributed applications [43].

XTA Architecture

Figure 8.1. Software stack of an XTA application

Software stack of an XTA application

The above picture explains the software stack architecture for an XTA application: the Application Program interacts with XA Resource Managers, like PostgreSQL and MySQL, and with XTA. XTA wraps LIXA libraries that interact with the Resource Managers and implement the client side part of the transaction management logic.

Figure 8.2. Single application layout

Single application layout

The simplest deployment of an XTA application consists of a single Application Program that uses one or more Resource Managers in a distributed transaction. XTA connects to LIXA state server (lixad) to coordinate the XA two phase commit protocol. Application Program, Resource Managers and LIXA state server don't have to reside in the same system: they can be distributed in different systems that communicate by mean of the TCP/IP protocol.

Figure 8.3. Multiple applications layout

Multiple applications layout

XTA allows deployment of multiple Application Programs that use one or more Resource Managers in a distributed transaction. XTA connects to LIXA state server (lixad) to coordinate the XA two phase commit protocol. Application Programs, Resource Managers and LIXA state server don't have to reside in the same system: they can be distributed in different systems that communicate by mean of the TCP/IP protocol.


XTA implements the logic necessary to distribute a global transaction between two or more Application Programs but it does not provide the communication protocol between them. Using the above picture as an example, it's in charge of Application Program 1 to exchange information with Application Program 2: any synchronous or asynchronous protocol can be used.

Anyway, two constraints can't be violated:

  • all the Application Programs that participate in the same global transaction, must connect to the same LIXA state server

  • the Application Programs must call XTA functions in the proper order to participate in the same global transaction

XTA does not constraint many other aspects:

  • Application Programs don't have to be developed using the same programming language

  • Application Programs don't have to be executed inside the same sort of application container or server; example: one Application Program can be executed inside a shell script, another one can be executed under the supervision of an HTTP server

  • Application Programs can use any sort of communication channel to transfer the transaction identifier (XID): it can be REST over HTTP, it can be a message queueing system, it can be a POSIX pipe and so on. Any communication channel that can send an ASCII string is eligible for passing the transaction identifier (XID)

  • Application Programs can be called using consecutive calls or can run in concurrent branches


Not all Resource Managers can be used in all the possible configurations that can be inferred from Figure 8.3, “Multiple applications layout”; further details will be provided in the next sections of this chapter.

XTA Technology Matrix

XTA strongly depends from the type of XA support provided by the different Resource Managers and from the language bindings supplied with the Resource Managers' libraries. The following table is updated with the tested configurations: [44]

Table 8.1. Resouce Managers and Programming Languages for XTA

Resource ManagerCC++Java [a] PHP[b]Python
MySQL, MariaDB[c]YYY-Y[d]
Oracle DBMSYYYN[e]N[f]

[a] Every Resource Manager that supplies a proper implementation of the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource, as defined by the JTA (Java Transaction API) standard, should work with XTA for Java

[b] Planned a SWIG wrapper, not yet implemented

[c] Multiple Applications, Consecutive Calls pattern is not available because MySQL/MariaDB doesn't support TMSUSPEND and TMRESUME standard XA flags

[e] No known way to re-use a standard OCI connection as an XA OCI connection; possibly not implementable

[f] No known way to re-use a standard OCI connection as an XA OCI connection; possibly not implementable

[g] Multiple Applications, Consecutive Calls pattern is not available because PostgreSQL doesn't support TMSUSPEND and TMRESUME standard XA flags

The XTA Programming Model

XTA support 4 different patterns:

XTA Resources and XA Resource Managers


This section refers to concepts that are linked with deep technical details of the [XAspec]: they are not trivial and sometimes they could even sound strange due to the epoch of XA standard design. XTA tries to provide an easy and modern interface for working with XA, but some caveats still remain at least for these reasons:

  • XA was designed as a protocol between one Transaction Manager and one or more Resource Managers; the designers probably didn't imagine the usage of XA inside something like XTA

  • XA standard predated the free software and open source initiatives and the design had to cope with commercial closed source softwares. Furthermore, XA didn't introduce changes in the proprietary protocols between Application Programs and Resource Managers, but sidecar approach was choosen.


XTA is compatible with some interfaces (and classes) defined inside the JTA (Java Transaction API) Version 1.2. Specifically, XTA supports the Xid interface, it's compatible with the XAException class and it's compatible with classes that implement XAResource interface.

XTA is not an implementation of the JTA standard and it can't be used to replace a JTA implementation: XTA provides a different set of functions that are designed to support a different set of use cases. XTA reuses some interfaces and classes defined by JTA to leverage the huge amount of available JTA compliant Resource Managers.

XA Design Considerations (native C, non Java)

[XAspec] defines the interface that must be implemented by an XA standard compliant Resource Manager: it's described in file xa.h by struct xa_switch_t. One tricky point is a consequence of xa_open() and xa_close() functions: they must be called to open and close the Resource Manager.

Non XA applications use native functions to open and close the connections with the resource managers.

Application Programs that run in a XA context, must retrieve the connections with the Resource Managers previously opened by the Transaction Manager.

During LIXA development, 3 different type of Resource Managers have been discovered:

  • XA standard compliant Resource Managers that implement xa_switch_t interface and use the exact same functions to open a new connection and to retrieve a connection previously opened by the Transaction Manager: IBM DB2 and IBM MQ (previously MQSeries and WebSphere MQ) belong to this category [45]

  • XA standard compliant Resource Managers that implement xa_switch_t interface and use different functions to open a new connection and to retrieve a connection previously opened by the Transaction Manager: Oracle Database Server belongs to this category [46]

  • Non XA standard compliant Resource Managers that don't implement xa_switch_t interface and provide some XA equivalent functions by mean of special commands: MySQL[47], MariaDB and PostgreSQL belong to this category

The second type of Resource Managers is the most difficult to integrate from XTA perspective: next paragraphs explain why.

XTA Resource Hierarchy

To cope with the different implementations of XA Resource Managers, XTA introduces a specific hierarchy for resources as depicted in the below image:

Figure 8.4. XTA Resource Hierarchy

XTA Resource Hierarchy

XAResource is an abstract class that can't be used to map a real Resource Manager, but useful to pass an object reference.

NativeXAResource is the concrete class that must be used for all the Resource Managers that provide XA standard interface.

AcquiredXAResource is a partially abstract class with basically no practical use (only conceptual).

MySQLXAResource is the concrete class that must be used for MySQL and MariaDB Resource Managers: it implements a specific constructor that accepts a MYSQL type connection.

PostgreSQLXAResource is the concrete class that must be used for PostgreSQL Resource Manager: it implements a specific constructor that accepts a PGconn type connection.

XtaJavaXAResource is a shadow class used to interface Java XAResource classes with XTA C libraries by mean of JNI (Java Native Interface). It's a type of resource the Application Program developer will never use.

Further non XA standard Resource Managers will require specialized somethingXAResource.

XTA Resource Usage (non Java)

Due to the above explanation, the usage of the different XTA resource types present some differences:

  • NativeXAResource can be statically defined inside lixac_conf.xml or can be dynamically defined at run time using the class constructor.

  • statically defined NativeXAResource must be created (method new) after Transaction Manager object creation

  • dynamically defined NativeXAResource must be created (method new) before Transaction Manager object creation

  • statically defined NativeXAResource can be enlisted (method enlist_resource), but it's not necessary

  • dynamically defined NativeXAResource and AcquiredXAResource must be enlisted (method enlist_resource) to participate in a distributed Transaction

XTA Resource Usage (Java)

XAResource must be created as standard Java XAResource and must be enlisted with method Transaction.enlistResource(). Java resources must be explicitly imported by the Application Program and the necessary jar files must be put in classpath as usual.

See the section called “Configuring Resource Managers for XTA Java” for additional information related to XTA for Java and Resource Managers.

XTA API Reference

XTA API Reference is extracted from source code using Doxygen tool. If you install doxygen, it will be produced during build phase and stored in directory doc/api/xta/html.

XTA API Reference can be consulted online:

XTA and Docker

XTA supplies a set of ready to use Docker images than can be downloaded from DockerHub or build from source code.

[41] In the past, TX Transaction Demarcation Specification [TXspec], published in 1995 by X/Open, was designed for:

  • C and COBOL programming languages

  • single thread applications

  • applications executed under the control of TP Monitors

  • implicit (static) transactional context

Furthermore, TX conceptually relates to the DTP Reference Model Version 3 [RefModel], published in 1996 by X/Open, that was defined for:

  • applications executed under the control of TP Monitors

  • TP Monitors with integrated Transaction Managers

  • tight coupling between couples of Transaction Managers to propagate transactional contexts and to coordinated distributed transactions among different systems

[42] Under some circumstances, XTA can be used instead of JTA (Java Transaction API): it's not intended to be a JTA implementation or a JTA replacement, but it can be used as an alternative for some relevant use cases.

[43] Many authors consider two phase commit the root of every evil in the realm of massively distributed applications, but the author of XTA thinks that some specific use cases can take advantage from two phase commit transactionality

[44] Sometimes software versions make the difference, but this table don't cope with them and must not be intended like a compatibility and support matrix.

[45] IBM, DB2, MQ, MQSeries and WebSphere are trademarks of IBM

[46] Oracle is a trademark of Oracle Corporation

[47] MySQL is a trademark of Oracle Corporation