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Mutual Authentication Debug

This debug session uses two different nodes; these are the names used during all the session:

  • node1, name: ubuntu2004.brenta.org, operating system: Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (64 bit)
  • node2, name: centos8.brenta.org, operating system: CentOS 8.2 (64 bit)

It is suggested to try Channel Encryption Debug before proceeding with this more complex one.

Native FLoM debugging tool

Sometimes debugging becomes difficult, especially when you have to deal with networks, firewalls, public and private addresses and so on.
For some complex features, FLoM provide a native debugging tool that can help the system engineer in understanding the root cause of an issue.

Setting up the certification authority and the required certificates

The instructions that are shown below are sufficient for a basic TLS set-up, for more advanced configurations please refer to specific documentaion like for exampe OpenSSL Certificate Authority.

Creating a CA (Certification Authority) of name CA2

Connect to node1, and execute these commands to create the directory structure:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ mkdir -p flom_ssl/CA2
tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ cd flom_ssl/CA2/
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ mkdir certs crl newcerts private
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ echo "01" > serial
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ cp /dev/null index.txt
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la
total 28
drwxrwxr-x 6 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:39 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:38 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:38 certs
drwxrwxr-x 2 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:38 crl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiian tiian    0 Nov 14 21:39 index.txt
drwxrwxr-x 2 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:38 newcerts
drwxrwxr-x 2 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 21:38 private
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiian tiian    3 Nov 14 21:39 serial

Pick-up a openssl.cnf example file; FLoM provide a pre-configured file in directory /usr/local/share/doc/flom/:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la /usr/local/share/doc/flom/flom_openssl.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9433 Nov 14 11:43 /usr/local/share/doc/flom/flom_openssl.conf

copy it locally:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ cp /usr/local/share/doc/flom/flom_openssl.conf .

Generate the certificate for the CA, use a secret password and pass something like “CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication” for the Common Name:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl req -new -x509 -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650 -config flom_openssl.conf
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to 'private/cakey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [IT]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Treviso]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Mogliano Veneto]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [www.tiian.org]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [FLoM Project]:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication
Email Address []:

File cacert.pem contains the X.509 certificate of the certification authority you have just created and file private/cakey.pem contains the private key associated to the certification authority.

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la cacert.pem private/cakey.pem
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiian tiian 1712 Nov 14 21:44 cacert.pem
-rw------- 1 tiian tiian 1854 Nov 14 21:44 private/cakey.pem

Creating the first X.509 certificate

To implement a mutual authentication configuration a distinct certificate for every node is necessary.

Retrieving node/system unique ID

FLoM generates unique IDs using D-Bus.

Creating a unique ID with FLoM is like using the command dbus-uuidgen --get:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ flom --unique-id

From the above text, the unique ID of node1 is aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129.
The unique ID must be passed to the openssl command when the Common Name associated to the certificate is asked.

Now you have to execute 4 commands:

  • the unique ID must be passed to the first command
  • the third command asks for a password: the same password used for the certification authority (see above).
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout node1_key.pem -out node1_req.pem -days 3650 -config flom_openssl.conf
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in node1_req.pem -signkey node1_key.pem -out tmp.pem
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl ca -config flom_openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -out node1_cert.pem -infiles tmp.pem
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ rm tmp.pem

The output should be something like this:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout node1_key.pem -out node1_req.pem -days 3650 -config flom_openssl.conf
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to 'node1_key.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [IT]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Treviso]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Mogliano Veneto]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [www.tiian.org]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [FLoM Project]:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129
Email Address []:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in node1_req.pem -signkey node1_key.pem -out tmp.pem
Getting request Private Key
Generating certificate request

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl ca -config flom_openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -out node1_cert.pem -infiles tmp.pem
Using configuration from flom_openssl.conf
Enter pass phrase for ./private/cakey.pem:
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
            Not Before: Nov 14 20:50:09 2020 GMT
            Not After : Nov 14 20:50:09 2021 GMT
            countryName               = IT
            stateOrProvinceName       = Treviso
            localityName              = Mogliano Veneto
            organizationName          = www.tiian.org
            organizationalUnitName    = FLoM Project
            commonName                = aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
            Netscape Comment: 
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

Certificate is to be certified until Nov 14 20:50:09 2021 GMT (365 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ rm tmp.pem 

If everything is fine, you must have two files: node1_cert.pem contains the X.509 certificate for node1 (ubuntu2004) and node1_key.pem contains the private key associated to the certicate:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la node1_cert.pem node1_key.pem
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiian tiian 4706 Nov 14 21:50 node1_cert.pem
-rw------- 1 tiian tiian 1704 Nov 14 21:48 node1_key.pem

Creating the second X.509 certificate

To implement a mutual authentication configuration a distinct certificate for every node is necessary.

Connect to node2 and retrieve the unique ID:

[tiian@centos8 ~]$ flom --unique-id

From the above text, the unique ID of node2 is ib4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08.
The unique ID must be passed to the openssl command when the Common Name associated to the certificate is asked.

Connect to node1 and execute the 4 commands you need to generate the certificate for node2 (it’s the same procedure already done for node1, but a different certificate for a different FLoM node will be created):

  • the unique ID must be passed to the first command
  • the third command asks for a password: the same password used for the certification authority (see above).
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout node2_key.pem -out node2_req.pem -days 3650 -config flom_openssl.conf
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in node2_req.pem -signkey node2_key.pem -out tmp.pem
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl ca -config flom_openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -out node2_cert.pem -infiles tmp.pem
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ rm tmp.pem

The output should be something like this:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout node2_key.pem -out node2_req.pem -days 3650 -config flom_openssl.conf
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to 'node2_key.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [IT]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Treviso]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Mogliano Veneto]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [www.tiian.org]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [FLoM Project]:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08
Email Address []:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in node2_req.pem -signkey node2_key.pem -out tmp.pem
Getting request Private Key
Generating certificate request

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ openssl ca -config flom_openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -out node2_cert.pem -infiles tmp.pem
Using configuration from flom_openssl.conf
Enter pass phrase for ./private/cakey.pem:
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
            Not Before: Nov 14 20:56:21 2020 GMT
            Not After : Nov 14 20:56:21 2021 GMT
            countryName               = IT
            stateOrProvinceName       = Treviso
            localityName              = Mogliano Veneto
            organizationName          = www.tiian.org
            organizationalUnitName    = FLoM Project
            commonName                = b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
            Netscape Comment: 
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

Certificate is to be certified until Nov 14 20:56:21 2021 GMT (365 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ rm tmp.pem 

If everything is fine, you must have two new files: node2_cert.pem contains the X.509 certificate for node2 (centos8) and node2_key.pem contains the private key associated to the certicate:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la node2_cert.pem node2_key.pem
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiian tiian 4706 Nov 14 21:56 node2_cert.pem
-rw------- 1 tiian tiian 1704 Nov 14 21:54 node2_key.pem

Certificate “installation”

Only 3 files are needed to FLoM process (flom):

  • node?_cert.pem
  • node?_key.pem
  • cacert.pem

copy them in a easy to use place on both systems.
Pay attention you have to copy different certificate and key to different systems.
Local copy:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ mkdir /tmp/flom_ssl/
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ cp cacert.pem node1_cert.pem node1_key.pem /tmp/flom_ssl/
tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ ls -la /tmp/flom_ssl/
total 24
drwxrwxr-x  2 tiian tiian 4096 Nov 14 22:00 .
drwxrwxrwt 12 root  root  4096 Nov 14 22:00 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 tiian tiian 1712 Nov 14 22:00 cacert.pem
-rw-rw-r--  1 tiian tiian 4706 Nov 14 22:00 node1_cert.pem
-rw-------  1 tiian tiian 1704 Nov 14 22:00 node1_key.pem

Remote copy (directory /tmp/flom_ssl/ on node2 must be created in advance):

tiian@ubuntu2004:~/flom_ssl/CA2$ scp -r cacert.pem node2_cert.pem node2_key.pem tiian@centos8.brenta.org:/tmp/flom_ssl/
tiian@centos8.brenta.org's password: 
cacert.pem                                    100% 1712     2.4MB/s   00:00    
node2_cert.pem                                100% 4706   159.8KB/s   00:00    
node2_key.pem                                 100% 1704     2.5MB/s   00:00   

Check the content in node2:

[tiian@centos8 ~]$ ls -la /tmp/flom_ssl/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x.  2 tiian tiian   67 Nov 14 22:02 .
drwxrwxrwt. 12 root  root  4096 Nov 14 22:01 ..
-rw-rw-r--.  1 tiian tiian 1712 Nov 14 22:02 cacert.pem
-rw-rw-r--.  1 tiian tiian 4706 Nov 14 22:02 node2_cert.pem
-rw-------.  1 tiian tiian 1704 Nov 14 22:02 node2_key.pem

Debugging TLS (mutual authentication security level) with FLoM

The picture shows the debug scenario:

Setting a trace mask to trace the messaged produced by flom_tls and flom_debug modules can help to troubleshoot a possible issue.

These are the commands to activate tracing and to start a FLoM debug server using TLS inside node1:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ export FLOM_TRACE_MASK=0x300000
tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ echo $FLOM_TRACE_MASK
tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ flom --debug-feature=tls.server -a ubuntu2004.brenta.org --tls-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_cert.pem --tls-private-key=/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_key.pem --tls-ca-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem --tls-check-peer-id=yes

These are the commands to activate tracing and to start a FLoM client using TLS inside node2:

[tiian@centos8 ~]$ export FLOM_TRACE_MASK=0x300000
[tiian@centos8 ~]$ echo $FLOM_TRACE_MASK
[tiian@centos8 ~]$ flom --debug-feature=tls.client -a ubuntu2004.brenta.org --tls-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_cert.pem --tls-private-key=/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_key.pem --tls-ca-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem --tls-check-peer-id=yes

This is the output obtained on node1 (debug server):

2020-11-14 22:04:51.672299 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features
2020-11-14 22:04:51.672387 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features: name='tls.server'
2020-11-14 22:04:51.672398 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server
2020-11-14 22:04:51.672426 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_init: calling OPENSSL_init_ssl()...
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674089 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_init: calling SSL_load_error_strings()...
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674186 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_init: calling OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms()...
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674194 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_context
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674197 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_context: setting TLS/SSL method to TLS_server_method()
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674290 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_context: SSL_CTX_set_verify(0x55788ae848d0, 3, flom_tls_callback)
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674298 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_context/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=2
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674301 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674304 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_cert.pem', SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674466 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_key.pem', SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674531 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_check_private_key(obj->ctx)
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674538 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem', NULL)
2020-11-14 22:04:51.674612 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_set_cert/excp=4/ret_cod=0/errno=2
2020-11-14 22:06:20.762459 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server: incoming connection address data: addrlen=16; IPv4 address, sin_port=51856, sin_addr=''
2020-11-14 22:06:20.762515 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_accept
2020-11-14 22:06:20.762522 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_prepare
2020-11-14 22:06:20.762593 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_prepare/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=22
2020-11-14 22:06:20.766610 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_callback: preverify_ok=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.766635 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_callback: ret_cod=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.766720 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_callback: preverify_ok=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.766731 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_callback: ret_cod=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767422 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_accepted: connection accepted with TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 encryption
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767442 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_parse
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767460 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767468 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767474 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767477 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767484 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767489 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767495 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767498 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767503 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767506 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767510 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767514 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767521 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_parse: issuer fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767600 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767610 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767623 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767626 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767630 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767633 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767636 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767640 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767643 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767649 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767655 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767659 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767664 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_parse: subject fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767682 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_parse/excp=4/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767689 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_accept/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767695 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767701 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: closing_tag='</msg>', closing_tag_len=6, closing_tag_last='>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767719 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 'b4eae1'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767726 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '48592d'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767731 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '4d128d'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767737 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 'f8f769'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767742 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '87b9ac'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767747 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=2 '08'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767757 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767763 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg: received message is 'b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08</msg>' of 38 chars
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767767 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_recv_msg/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767772 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server: received 38 bytes, 'b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767786 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_check
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767792 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_check: peer address='', CN='b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08', peer unique ID='b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767806 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_check/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767875 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server: sending 32 bytes, 'aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767888 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_send
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767902 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_send/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767908 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server: sending 6 bytes, '</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767913 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_send
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767920 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_send/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767982 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features_tls_server/excp=15/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767990 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_debug_features/excp=1/ret_cod=0/errno=0

This is the output obtained on node2 (debug client):

2020-11-14 22:06:20.749363 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features
2020-11-14 22:06:20.749447 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features: name='tls.client'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.749457 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features_tls_client
2020-11-14 22:06:20.749478 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_init: calling OPENSSL_init_ssl()...
2020-11-14 22:06:20.752040 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_init: calling SSL_load_error_strings()...
2020-11-14 22:06:20.752206 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_init: calling OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms()...
2020-11-14 22:06:20.752224 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_context
2020-11-14 22:06:20.752229 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_context: setting TLS/SSL method to TLS_client_method()
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761475 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_context: SSL_CTX_set_verify(0x711d40, 1, flom_tls_callback)
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761502 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_context/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=2
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761507 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761509 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_cert.pem', SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761695 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_key.pem', SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761742 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_check_private_key(obj->ctx)
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761747 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(obj->ctx, '/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem', NULL)
2020-11-14 22:06:20.761844 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_set_cert/excp=4/ret_cod=0/errno=2
2020-11-14 22:06:20.764483 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_connect
2020-11-14 22:06:20.764497 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_prepare
2020-11-14 22:06:20.764519 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_prepare/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=22
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767053 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_callback: preverify_ok=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767067 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_callback: ret_cod=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767127 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_callback: preverify_ok=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.767133 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_callback: ret_cod=1
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768396 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_connect: connection established with TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 encryption
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768408 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_parse
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768427 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768432 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768435 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768437 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768439 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768441 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768445 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768447 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768449 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768451 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768454 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768456 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768458 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_parse: issuer fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768544 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768550 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768554 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768558 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768561 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768565 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768568 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768571 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768575 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768587 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768590 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768593 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_struct_fill/excp=7/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768597 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_parse: subject fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768615 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_parse/excp=4/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768619 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_connect/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768941 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features_tls_client: sending 32 bytes, 'b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.768954 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_send
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769011 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_send/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769022 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features_tls_client: sending 6 bytes, '</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769026 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_send
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769036 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_send/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769042 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg
2020-11-14 22:06:20.769046 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: closing_tag='</msg>', closing_tag_len=6, closing_tag_last='>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770316 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 'aa0025'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770331 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '217cc2'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770336 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '4efb98'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770340 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '3dff5b'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770343 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 'fb3611'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770347 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=2 '29'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770356 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: read_bytes=6 '</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770358 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg: received message is 'aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129</msg>' of 38 chars
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770361 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_recv_msg/excp=3/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770363 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features_tls_client: received 38 bytes, 'aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129</msg>'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770378 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_check
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770380 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_check: peer address='', CN='aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129', peer unique ID='aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129'
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770403 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_check/excp=2/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770523 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features_tls_client/excp=12/ret_cod=0/errno=0
2020-11-14 22:06:20.770533 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_debug_features/excp=1/ret_cod=0/errno=0

The server side checks the match between the unique ID presented by the peer and the CN in the certificate:

2020-11-14 22:06:20.767792 [1416/0x55788ae7d600] flom_tls_cert_check: peer address='', CN='b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08', peer unique ID='b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08'

Symmetrically, the client side checks the match between the unique ID presented by the peer and the CN in the certificate:

2020-11-14 22:06:20.770380 [5304/0x70ac00] flom_tls_cert_check: peer address='', CN='aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129', peer unique ID='aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129'

In the event that unique IDs and CNs don’t match, mutual authentication fails.

Remove trace mask, then restart the debug server on node1:

tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ unset FLOM_TRACE_MASK
tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ flom --debug-feature=tls.server -a ubuntu2004.brenta.org --tls-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_cert.pem --tls-private-key=/tmp/flom_ssl/node1_key.pem --tls-ca-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem --tls-check-peer-id=yes
tiian@ubuntu2004:~$ echo $?

Remove trace mask, then restart the client on node2:

[tiian@centos8 ~]$ unset FLOM_TRACE_MASK
[tiian@centos8 ~]$ flom --debug-feature=tls.client -a ubuntu2004.brenta.org --tls-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_cert.pem --tls-private-key=/tmp/flom_ssl/node2_key.pem --tls-ca-certificate=/tmp/flom_ssl/cacert.pem --tls-check-peer-id=yes
[tiian@centos8 ~]$ echo $?

Configuration hints

A more convenient way to setup all the TLS parameters is to use a FLoM configuration file: these are the keys you have to customize:

# Name of the file that contains the X.509 certificate assigned to this peer
# (Uncomment below row if necessary)
# Name of the file that contains the private key of this peer
# (Uncomment below row if necessary)
# Name of the file that contains the X.509 certificate of the certification
# authority used to sign the certificate of this peer
# (Uncomment below row if necessary)
# Check if the CommonName (CN) of the peer certificate matches the peer unique
# identifier; valid values are "yes" and "no" (case insensitive)
# (Uncomment below row if necessary)

System message logging

Both client and server writes logging messages on the system log.

These are the messages produced on syslog by the debug server:

Nov 14 22:16:46 ubuntu2004 flom: FLM011I X.509 CA certificate fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication
Nov 14 22:16:46 ubuntu2004 flom: FLM012I X.509 peer certificate fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08
Nov 14 22:16:46 ubuntu2004 flom: FLM014I peer '' with unique ID 'b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08' was authenticated using CN field 'b4eae148592d4d128df8f76987b9ac08' inside the presented X.509 certificate

These are the messages produced on syslog by the debug client:

Nov 14 22:16:46 centos8 flom[5330]: FLM011I X.509 CA certificate fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=CA for FLoM Mutual Authentication
Nov 14 22:16:46 centos8 flom[5330]: FLM012I X.509 peer certificate fields are C=IT/ST=Treviso/L=Mogliano Veneto/O=www.tiian.org/OU=FLoM Project/emailAddress={null}/CN=aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129
Nov 14 22:16:46 centos8 flom[5330]: FLM014I peer '' with unique ID 'aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129' was authenticated using CN field 'aa0025217cc24efb983dff5bfb361129' inside the presented X.509 certificate